
Costco Samples Return

By News Apr 14, 2021 | 8:27 AM

Before the pandemic, going to Costco was pretty much an all day event, that resulted in you not being able to find room to eat dinner.

Some people saw a trip to Costco as “a free meal “. However, once the ‘Rona hit our shores, Costco decided to end their free samples and close down their food court, with the exception of carry out only.

We have lived in a state of sadness since free samples, Costco hotdogs, and slices of pizza had been missing from our weekend diet.

Things are changing.

Costco has announced read they will be reopening their food court for eat in service in most locations. You will also be saying, if you haven’t already, free samples being handed out within the store. The caveat is that they must be individually wrapped. They also have to be served from behind plexiglass by someone wearing a mask (which isn’t a bad idea, even after this whole COVID-thing ends)

So, it sounds like we are soon to be on track for spoiling our meals fairly soon. Yay! Us. And yay! Costco.

Source: Delish