
Dumbass Of The Day: Dumpin' David Drops A Deuce…Again [NSFW]

By News Nov 20, 2020 | 2:47 PM

You know the old joke, if a bear, poops in the woods, does it smell…well David Lesh may have an answer to that, as he  has a hobby. He likes to post really cool and funny pictures on Instagram. This isn’t too shocking, I mean, who doesn’t these days, right?

Well, David is a business owner in Aspen, of the company, Virtka, which makes outwear for the outdoor sportman/woman.

If you check out his Instagra, you will see that he water skis, snowboards, jumps out of airplanes and a number of other things you can check out here: David Lesh

Most of what David does is all above board and legal…except for one thing that the US government has told him that he is now in deep shit for.

David’s hobby…he likes to go to US National Lakes and poop in them and post his dirty doody on Instagram.

While that sounds funny…because it is about poop…is it also illegal.

He was busted a while go and the Feds made him come to Federal court and agreed to follow the rules at the National parks and lakes, so he wouldn’t have to pay a $1000 bond and a trip to jail.



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As you can see from the picture above, David seems to have forgotten his “get out of jail free” card and is at it again. This time in his home state of Colorado, where you CAN poop at the lake, but it has to be 200 feet from the water…which David clearly isn’t.

(f you want to know how to poop outside in a National Park, here are the do’s and don’t’s. How to poop in the outdoors.)

P.S. There are some upset citizens: Aspen Times

Source: Aspen Daily Times