
Dumbass Of The Day: “My Butt Just Farted”

By News Oct 20, 2020 | 9:00 AM

Normally, when the police ask for your name, you have 2 choices

  1. tell them
  2. shut up and say nothing

But giving a fake name can break the law and send you to jail. This is a case where #2 is your best option.

A woman in St. Petersburg, FL was milling around a gas station and had been asked to leave, so this meant she was trespassing, which is the police were involved. In almost every conversation you will have with authorities, they will ask for your name. It’s a pretty simple request. If you don’t want them to know, please refer to the choices listed above.

In this case, the woman told the police that her name was “My butt just farted”.

While this may have been true, it, obviously, was not her name. They kept asking her for her real name and she kept giving the same response of “my butt just farted”.

The twist to this story is that they discovered her name. While this isn’t much of a surprise, as finger prints or personal ID will be a give-away.

Not in this case, Queen butt trumpet had her real name on her…literally. Like tattooed on her back.

We now know her name is Melinda Lynn Guerrero….and yes, she was tweeking

Makes you wonder, though, did they charge her by the letter.