
Dumbass Of The Day: The Chair And Her ID

By News Aug 14, 2020 | 8:00 AM

If you remember at the Republican convention from 2008 when Clint Eastwood had a debate with a chair on stage, then you’re going to love this.

Jade Dodd from Tennessee decided, “why not renew my driver’s license online”. This is something that most of us have done. But when Jade’s new idea arrived she noticed something was different. That different thing was her photo. Instead of having her face, it bore the image of a chair.

While Jade found this funny, the DMV did not. They actually panicked and had to get a manager involved.

The best part is her friends and coworkers found it extremely funny.

“My boss thinks it’s funnier than anyone. I was at work Friday and he pointed to a chair outside of his office door and was like, ‘I thought this was you, I waved at it this morning’ and I was like, ‘thanks,’” Dodd said.

This is probably something she will never live down, and probably won’t want to.

I don’t know about you, but I would have been pissed that I wasn’t a recliner.