
Dumbass Of The Day: His Farts Gave Him Away

By News May 13, 2020 | 8:56 AM

Farting in our house is like a sport for my daughter and me. We fart in each other’s room, fart in our hands and release it in front of each other’s nose, you name it, farts are funny.

However, it wasn’t so funny for a guy who missed a court date in England. When the police came to his house to pick him up, he ran into the nearby woods. The officers searched everywhere, but to no avail…that was until he started toss out audible air biscuits. You would think if the police were chasing you and you had a turd honky for the right of way, you would attempt a one cheek sneak. But not this moron, nope, he must have been stepping on some pretty big barking spiders, because the police sleuthed the escapee by the sound of his butt trumpet and he was arrested.

The best quote of this whole ordeal was from an officer who said,

“I was almost out of wind running but luckily the suspect still had some. I heard him letting rip and followed the noises to a bush.”