
Dumbass Of The Day: Hanging From A Traffic Light Making A Doodie

By News Apr 30, 2020 | 2:12 PM

Florida is always ripe with stories that are almost too far fetched to believe. This one takes the cake.

We don’t know much about Roy Stern other than he looks like he is in his 50’s, but looks can be deceiving. Even if he is a man in his 30’s climbing a pole to hang from a traffic light takes talent. Hell, most of us couldn’t do it if we were in our 20’s. But Roy did. But Roy did more than climb the traffic light pole to hang from it. He dropped trow and began to play a game Plinko with the cars driving under the light. Yep, he was pinching them off as the cars drove by.

Numerous cars called the police that this was happening, but we do not know if these were unwitting victims of Roy’s gifts.

After about an hour, the police and fire departments got Roy down from the light using a ladder,

As you might imagine, Roy was high on crystal meth and pot.

In the end, as Kiss once said, he ‘s worth a Deuce.